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Our Services

Young Businesswomen

We offer support in the areas of:

Receptive and Expressive Language

Reading and Comprehension

Written language

Executive Functioning

Study Skills

Social Pragmatic Skills



Oral Motor Skills



Auditory Processing

We are trained to help clients with diagnoses including:

Receptive Language Disorder

Expressive Language Disorder

Developmental Delay

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Executive Dysfunction

Learning Disabilities

Social Pragmatic Disorder

Articulation Deficits 

Phonological Disorders


Oral Motor Dysfunction

Feeding Disorders 

Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Auditory Processing Disorder

We have specialized training in:

Executive Functioning Therapy

Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Feeding Therapy

Phonological Awareness & Reading Intervention


Oral Motor Therapy

Hanen: More Than Words & It Takes Two to Talk 

Brain Frames & 

Story Grammar Marker

Social Thinking

...and more!

Academic Learning &
Executive Functioning Support

Often children with language-based challenges struggle to complete tasks, stay organized, manage their time, and learn academic material. Success in these areas requires intact executive functioning skills. When students have weaknesses in both language and executive functioning, they often have difficulty managing their academic coursework. This may include challenges with reading comprehension, written language and study skills. 

Organized Desk
Online Education

Talk & Learn offers virtual or face to face services, at the comfort of your school or at our office.


Talk & Learn is an out-of-network provider. Speech-Language services are often covered by out-of-network benefits. We recommend you contact your insurance company before starting services to learn about your benefits. We will happily provide you with the questions you need to ask to help simplify the process.

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Let's Get Started

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